Strategy Guides - Project Management

These strategies will allow opportunity to add elements of high quality project-based lessons to further student engagement while exploring PBL. These provide a step-by-step framework making it easy for you to implement with your students. 

STRATEGY GUIDE Work Time Goal Setting 


The Reflection and Goal Setting routine can be used during class periods with sessions in which students are working independently to help them use time more effectively. 


1. Create a handout for students to record their thinking or use our template.

2. Individuals consider their goal(s) for the work session. The goals should contribute to the overall success of the learning. This should be recorded on each individual’s handout. 

3. Next, ask your students to rank these goals in order of importance: 1 is the most important. Encourage them to start with the most important goal. 

4. Set a time during the work session when the students can pause their work. During this brief check-in, they should record their thoughts on the progress towards their goals, and what next steps they might take. 

5. At the end of the work session, students should identify their progress, and reflect on the factors that contributed to their outcomes, in order to determine what they believe are the next steps and how they can improve in the future:

  • What did you work the hardest on? 
  • What did you do well? 
  • What could you have done better? 
  • What are your next steps? What goals might you set next time?

6. Facilitate a class discussion in which students share their successes and what they learned about goals and reflection. 

© 2023 Defined Learning, LLC This strategy is adapted from Applied Coaching for Proj

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