Defined Learning - K-2 Implementation Ideas

K-2 Implementation Ideas: Defined Learning 

  • In grades K-2 aim to do 1-2 performance tasks a semester. 
  • K-2 content was designed for whole class or group work that is led by the teacher. (i.e., most of the product descriptions read more like directions or lesson/unit plan for teachers). 
  • Most of the task can be discussed at group time- going over it on a smart board then choosing one product to do at a time. 
  • The teacher should use the Introduction and Real World Connection Videos to introduce and excite students about each product - this can be done as a whole group or done individually at centers if they have ipads, etc. 
  • Chunk the work with the products. For example, work in groups for 5-7 minutes with the focus on one area of the task or design cycle (for example: ideation/check-in question) then back to the whole group. 
  • Products can be done orally with the teacher, or if the student is capable they can create the product themselves. 
  • Every performance task has 1-2 constructed responses that align with the task so you can organically integrate reading and writing standards. These can be used for partner reading, independent reading or whole class. Students can also use the “listen” button and the text will be read aloud to them. 
  • Research at the K-2 level can be using the classroom library, reading together on the carpet or use of their Word Walls. If students have technology, they can use apps such as PebbleGo or Animal Planet, etc. 
  • All K-5 tasks have related book suggestions. These can be used as read alouds to build background knowledge and promote engagement. These can be found under the teacher resources. For a complete list of related book suggestions check-out our Book Catalog
  • Remember that teachers can edit any text within a task and customize it to meet the needs of your students. 

Ideas from Primary Teachers: 

  • “DL is a teacher planning tool at our level - we do not assign the task to young students and have them login. We use the GRAS to create excitement for the task, then we "deploy" in a variety of ways- a letter to the students on chart paper, a video introduction, PowerPoint slides, a guest speaker, etc.” 
  • “We divide the kids up by level/interest across classes, so each teacher "hosts" a task and the kids are mixed between classes. This way each teacher focuses on fewer tasks and has the time to plan it in-depth.”

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